It’s simple to open a basic e-mail marketing or Google Ads account. But then what? Our team has over 30 combined years of experience utilizing PPC, Email, SEO and other top online marketing solutions to improve results for companies of all sizes.

Advanced Pay-Per Click

The House Specialty: we’ve routinely delivered double-digit gains in volume and efficiency for companies with multi-million dollar annual budgets focused on lead generation, e-commerce and subscription goals, both online and through call centers. It starts with an intelligent keyword set and well-organized account structure. Then ad copy and landing page design are tested aggressively to increase response and conversion rate – lifting Quality Scores along the way. Automated bidding strategies are introduced once there is ample conversion data. This helps drive maximum sales volume at the lowest Cost-Per-Acquisition over time.


Many clients are now seeing 60-80% of website traffic coming in on mobile devices (versus desktop computers and tablets). Depending on your business, this can mean adjusting your PPC strategies to account for the mobile channel – especially if you are driving calls.  Call us now if you don’t have a refined strategy for mobile devices.

More PPC Management and Google Ads Information

Strategic E-mail

E-mail is the perfect complement to PPC and other traffic drivers because of its remarketing capabilities and cost-effectiveness. We can develop a well-planned e-mail campaign from scratch or help an existing campaign improve performance with a variety of strategies, for example:

  • Identify unique opportunities for increasing list size
  • Segment audiences and messaging to improve response
  • Develop auto-responder (drip) campaigns and newsletter programs that balance user interests with conversion goals
  • Boost click and call rates by optimizing creative for mobile device delivery
  • Establish testing programs for key elements like subject lines

Along the way, unique e-mail metrics such as unsubscribe, bounce and complaint rates will be monitored to ensure your business remains in the good graces of both consumers and the Internet Service Providers.

Online Display

Additional buyers of your products and services are available on Internet advertising networks such as the Google Display Network (GDN) and Facebook Ads. There are a variety of ways to reach these audiences and direct them to the sales funnel. A few of the most effective strategies are listed below:


Many companies use e-mail as the central focus of a remarketing strategy. Why not also target prospects that have already visited your site as they surf other locations on the Internet? The Drive Results team can help devise a refined acquisition strategy that utilizes specific messaging related to the pages visited on your website and set a targeting window that matches the likelihood of the prospect still being “in-market” to purchase. We can even prevent ads from being displayed to website visitors that have already completed an order to make the media spending more efficient.


As a consumer, you have researched information such as reading articles and reviews before making a purchase. This is another option for targeting prospects via online display networks. It’s an effective method to reach potential buyers with both text and image ads (banners) as they gather information related to a product or service — especially as more browsers block third party cookies.


Ever “wish” you could run ads on a specific website? Many sites belong to advertising networks and have inventory available. Even if the exact site of choice isn’t selling ad space, we can create a media plan consisting of comparable sites to reach a similar audience in scale.


There are also many ways to create and reach custom audiences based on characteristics such as demographics, intent and affinity for a particular product, service or activity/lifestyle. Contact us to inject some new ideas into your marketing approach.

SEO & Content

The disciplines of Social Media, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Content Generation are merging. Fundamental on-site SEO tactics such as ensuring a crawalable website and applying unique, relevant Title and Meta Tags to all its pages will always be a best practice. However, beating the competition for organic visibility in the search engines also requires a strong social media presence combined with fresh content. Drive Results has dedicated team members that specialize in each of these areas.


Is your brand name and business being tarnished by negative reviews or comments that appear in the search engine results pages (SERPs)? Drive Results can help reduce the visibility of undesirable content by establishing a larger social media presence. This includes creating a positive brand image on more sites that will rank ahead of the problematic content with proven tactics such as press releases and articles.

Direct Response

Through strategic partnerships with leading firms, Drive Results can deliver a tightly integrated marketing program of offline and online initiatives. This means combining the direct marketing capabilities of shared mail, direct mail and inserts with PPC and e-mail. For example, zip code targeting can be utilized to ensure that a geo-targeted prospect-base can be reached in both channels to increase touches and reduce waste.

Performance Website

Many companies can design and develop a website. The Drive Results difference is creating a complete marketing system designed to drive response and conversion. As a result, there is an extreme emphasis on building websites that help turn prospects into customers. Even if completely re-designing your website isn’t an option due to budget constraints or other circumstances, we can develop alternate strategies such as separate landing pages and mini-sites to improve the ROI of paid media.

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